知识图谱, Knowledge Graph,一种以图形式组织的描述现实世界中实体和实体关系的模型。
Web 1.0 -> Web 2.0: 网页的链接 -> 数据的链接。
目标:弄清楚如何构建 KG , 构建技术中哪些部分是关键技术,难点,技术瓶颈是什么。
刘峤, 李杨, 段宏, 等. 知识图谱构建技术综述[J]. 计算机研究与发展, 2016, 53(3): 582-600.
徐增林, 盛泳潘, 贺丽荣, 等. 知识图谱技术综述[J]. 2016.
知识抽取: 实体抽取,关系抽取,属性抽取
1) 语义相似度计算。由于实体通过分布式表示而形成的是一个个低维的实值向量,所以,可使用熵权系数法[54]、余弦相似性[55]等方法计算它们间的相似性。这种相似性刻画了实体之间的语义关联程度,为自然语言处理等提供了极大的便利。
2) 链接预测。通过分布式表示模型,可以预测图谱中任意两个实体之间的关系,以及实体间已存在的关系的正确性。尤其是在大规模知识图谱的上下文中,需要不断补充其中的实体关系,所以链接预测又被称为知识图谱的补全[53]。
HongYun Cai, Vincent W. Zheng, and Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang, “A Comprehensive Survey of Graph Embedding: Problems, Techniques, and Applications,” IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 30, no. 9 (September 2018): 1616–37, https://doi.org/10.1109/TKDE.2018.2807452.:
Graph embedding
的 survey:
The problem of graph embedding is related to two traditional research problems, i.e., graph analytics [8] and representation learning [9].
Graph embedding aims to represent a graph as low dimensional vectors while the graph structures are preserved.
graph analytics aims to mine useful information from graph data.
The challenges of graph embedding depend on the problem setting, which consists of embedding input
and embedding output.
Input graph: four categories, including homogeneous graph graph, graph with auxiliary information and graph constructed from non-relational data. Different types of embedding input carry different information to be preserved in the embedded space.
The embedding output is task driven: four types, including node embedding, edge embedding, hybrid embedding and whole-graph embedding.
roblem setting -> challenges -> solution techniques.
- Homotgeneous graph: . All nodes in G belong to a single type and all edges belong to one single type
- Hetegeneous graph: Nodes and/or edges have different types.
- knowledge graph: triple facts: .
Hence, knowledge graph can be viewed as an instance of the heterogeneous graph.
proximity measures: to quantify the graph property to be preserved in the embedded space.
- the first-order proxoimity: $s_{i,j}^{(1)}$ between node $v_i$ and node $v_j$ is the weight of the edge $e_{ij}$ , i.e., $A_{i,j}$ .
- the second-order proximity: $s_{i,j}^{(2)}$ between node $v_i$ and $v_j$ is a similarity between $v_i$ ’s neighbourhood $s_i^{(1)}$ and $v_j$ ’s neighborhood $s_j^{1}$.
- the higher-order proximity: the k-th-order proximity between node $v_i$ and $v_j$ is the similarity between $s_i^{(k-1)}$ and $s_j^{k-1}$ ; or some other metrixs, e.g. Katz Index, Root PageRank, Adamic Adar, etc.
The first-order proximity is the local pairwise similarity between only the nodes connected by edges.
The second-order proximity compares the similarity of the nodes’ neighbourhood structures.
Problem Settings
- Embedding input
embedding input | Scenarios | Challenges |
Homogeneous graph | How to capture the diversity of connectivity patterns observed in graphs? | |
Heterogeneous graph | Community-based Question Anwsering (cQA) sites Multimedia Networks Knowledge graph … |
How to explore global consistency between different types of objects, and how to deal with the imbalances of objects belonging to different types ( data skewness ), if any? |
Graph with Auxiliary Information | See Table 3. | How to incorporate the rich and unstructured information so that the learnt embeddings are both representing the topological structure and discriminative in terms of the auxiliary information? |
Graph Constructed from Non-relatinal Data | How to construct a graph that encodes the pairwise relations between instances and how to preserve the generated node proximity matrix in the embedded space? |
Embedding output
Challenge One: how to find a suitable type of embedding output which meets the needs of the specific application task.
| Embedding output | Scenerios | Challenges |
| ——————————- | ———————————————————————— | —————————————————————————————— |
| Node Embedding | | How to define the pairwise node proximity* in various types of input graph and how to encode the proximity in the learnt embeddings? |
| Edge Embedding | KG embedding | How to define the edge-level similarity and how to model the asymmetric property of the edges, if any? |
| Hybrid Embedding | node + edge (Substructure)
node + community | How to generate the target substructure and how to embed different types of graph components in one common space? |
| Whole-Graph Embedding | small graphs | How to capture the properties of a whole graph and how to make a trade-off between expressiveness and efficiency ? |
Graph Embedding Techniques
The differences between different graph embedding algorithms lie in how they define the graph property to be preserved.
Matrix Factorization
Graph Laplacian Eigenmaps
Insight: The graph property to be preserved can be interpreted as pairwise node similarities. Thus, a larger penalty is imposed if two nodes with larger similarity are embedded far apart.
Objective function:
$y^* = argmin \sum_{i \neq j}( y_i - y_j^2 W_{ij}) = argmin \quad y^TLy \cdots (1)$
$ L = D - W$; D : the diagonal matrix, $ D_{ii} = \sum_{j \neq i} W_{ij}$
with constraint on: $ y^T D y = 1 $
$(1) \Rightarrow y^* = argmin_{y^TDy=1} y^TLy = argmin \frac{y^TLy}{y^TDy} = argmax \frac{y^T W y}{y^T D y} \cdots (2)$
The optimal $y$’s are the eigenvectors corresponding to the maximum eigenvalue of the eigenproblem .
上面的方法只使用于 embed 一个 node, 对于 new comming nides, one solution is to design a linear function $y = X^T a$ .
$(1) \Rightarrow optimal a: a*= argmin \sum_{i \neq j} | a^TX_i - a^TX_j |^2 W_{ij} = argmin \quad a^T XLX^Ta. \cdots (3)$
with constraint on $a^TXDX^Ta = 1.$
$(3) \Rightarrow a* = argmin \frac{a^TXLX^Ta}{a^TXDX^Ta} = argmax \frac{a^TXWX^Ta}{a^TXDX^Ta}. \cdots (4)$
The optimal a’s are eigenvectors with the maximum eigenvalues in solving $XWX^Ta = \lambda XDX^Ta$.
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Node Proximity Matrix Factorization
Insight: Node proximity can be approximated in a lowdimensional space using matrix factorization. The objective of preserving node proximity is to minimize the loss of approximation.
objective function: $min | W - YY^{c^T}, \cdots (5)$
node embedding: $ Y \in R^{|V| \times d}$, context node embedding: $ Y^{c} \in R^{|V| \times d}$.
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Deep Learning
DL with Random walk
Insight: The second-order proximity in a graph can be preserved in the embedded space by maximizing the probability of observing the neighbourhood of a node conditioned on its embedding.
DeepWalk [17] adopts a neural language model (SkipGram) for graph embedding. DeepWalk first samples a set of paths from the input graph using truncated random walk. Each path sampled from the graph corresponds to a sentence from the corpus, where a node corresponds to a word. Then SkipGram is applied on the paths to maximize the probability of observing a node’s neighbourhood conditioned on its embedding.
The objective function is:
$w$ is the window size which restricts the size of random walk context. SkipGram removes the ordering constraint,
$P(v_{i+w} | y_i)$ is defined using softmax function: $P(v_{i+w} | y_i) = \frac{exp(y_{i+j}^T y_i)}{\sum_{k=1}^{|V|}exp(y_k^T y_i)}. \cdots (10)$
Note that calculating Eq. 10 is not feasible as the normalization factor ) is expensive. There are usually two solutions to approximate the full softmax: hierarchical softmax [112] and negative sampling [112].
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- Z. Yang, W. W. Cohen, and R. Salakhutdinov, “Revisiting semisupervised learning with graph embeddings,” in ICML, 2016, pp. 40–48.
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DL without Random walk
Insight: The multi-layered learning architecture is a robust and effective solution to encode the graph into a low dimensional space.
Autoencoder: An autoencoder aims to minimize the reconstruction error of the output and input by its encoder and decoder.
Deep Neural Network: CNN.
convolution operation:
- Euclidean domains:
- M. Niepert, M. Ahmed, and K. Kutzkov, “Learning convolutional
neural networks for graphs,” in ICML, 2016, pp. 2014–2023.
- M. Niepert, M. Ahmed, and K. Kutzkov, “Learning convolutional
- non-Euclidean domains:
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- Spectral domain:
- J. Bruna, W. Zaremba, A. Szlam, and Y. LeCun, “Spectral networks and locally connected networks on graphs,” in ICLR, 2013.
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- Euclidean domains:
- X. Geng, H. Zhang, J. Bian, and T. Chua, “Learning image and user features for recommendation in social networks,” in ICCV, 2015, pp. 4274–4282.
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Edge Reconstruction based Optimization
Overall Insight: The edges established based on node embedding should be as similar to those in the input graph as possible.
Maximizing Edge Reconstruction Probability
Insight: Good node embedding maximizes the probability of generating the observed edges in a graph.
first-order proximity:
$p^{(1)}(v_i, v_j) = \frac{1}{1+exp(-y_i^T y_j)}. \cdots (13)$
objective function is:
$O^{(1)}_{max} = max \sum_{e_{i,j \in E} log p^{(1)}(v_i, v_j). \cdots (14)}$
second-order proximity:
$p^{(2)}(v_j|v_i) = \frac{exp(y_j^T y_i)}{\sum_{k=1}^{|V|} exp(y_k^T y_i)}. \cdots (15)$
objective function is:
$O^{(2)}_{max} = max \sum_{\{v_i, v_j\} \in P } log p^{(2)}(v_j | v_i). \cdots (16)$
Minimizing Distance-based Loss
Insight: The node proximity calculated based on node embedding should be as close to the node proximity calculated based on the observed edges as possible.
the empirical probability :
$\hat p^{(1)}(v_i, v_j) = A_{i,j} / \sum_{e_{i,j} \in E} A_{ij}$
$\hat p^{(2)}(v_j|v_i) = A_{i,j} / d_i, \quad d_i = \sum_{e_{ik} \in E} A_{ik}$
probability of node embedding : Eq. (13)
the objective function ( Adopting KL-divergence as distance function):
$O^{(1)}_{min} = min -\sum_{e_{ij} \in E} A_{ij} log p^{(1)(v_i, v_j)}. \cdots (17)$
$O^{(2)}_{min} = min -\sum_{e_{ij} \in E} A_{ij} log p^{(2)(v_j|v_j)}. \cdots (17)$
Minimizing Distance-based Ranking Loss
Insight: A node’s embedding is more similar to the embedding of relevant nodes than that of any other irrelevant node.
$s(v_i, v_j)$: similarity score for node $v_i$ and $v_j$.
$V_i^+$: the set of nodes relevant to $v_i$.
$V_i^-$: the set of nodes irrelevant to $v_i$.
The margin-based ranking loss:
$O_{rank} = min \sum_{v_i^+ \in V_i^+} \sum_{v_i^- \in V_i^-} max\{0, \gamma - s(v_i, v_i^+) + s(v_i, v_i^-)\}$
- [41] M. Ochi, Y. Nakashio, Y. Yamashita, I. Sakata, K. Asatani, M. Ruttley, and J. Mori, “Representation learning for geospatial areas using large-scale mobility data from smart card,” in UbiComp, 2016, pp. 1381–1389
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- [92] A. Bordes, S. Chopra, and J. Weston, “Question answering with subgraph embeddings,” in EMNLP, 2014, pp. 615–620
Graph Kernel
Insight: The whole graph structure can be represented as a
vector containing the counts of elementary substructures that are decomposed from it.
Graph kernel is an instance of R-convolution kernels [136], which is a generic way of defining kernels on discrete compound objects by recursively decomposing structured objects into “atomic” substructures and comparing all pairs of them [93].
Graphlet: A graphlet is an induced and non-isomorphic subgraph of size-k [93]. Suppose graph $G$ is decomposed into a set of graphlets ${G_1, G_2, \cdots , G_d}$. Then G is embedded as a d-dimensional vector (denoted as $y_G$) of normalized counts. The $i$-th dimension of $y_G$ is the frequency of the graphlet $G_i$ occurring in $G$.
Subtree Patterns
In this kernel, a graph is decomposed as its subtree patterns.
Random Walks:
In the third type of graph kernels, a graph is decomposed into random walks or paths and represented as the counts of occurrence of random walks [137] or paths [138] in it.
Generative Model
- Embed Graph Into The Latent Semantic Space
- Incorporate Latent Semantics for Graph Embedding ???
Hybrid Techniques and Others
Quan Wang et al., “Knowledge Graph Embedding: A Survey of Approaches and Applications,” IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 29, no. 12 (December 1, 2017): 2724–43, https://doi.org/10.1109/TKDE.2017.2754499.
Information Extraction
- Evaluation
- Accuracy
- Recall
- F-measure
Knowledge Fusion
- Entity Disambiguation
- Co-reference Resolution
Knowledge Representation & Embedding
注: Network Representation, Network Embedding, Graph representation, Graph Embedding, 以及 Knowledge Graph Representation
, Graph Embedding
个人见解:Representaion 的范围比 Embedding 广一点。比如 KG 中的 representation 包含 RDF
, Distribute Representation
等, 而 embedding 只是 distribute repesentation 的一种特例。
清华大学 OpenKE 的实现的基准测试结果(Hit@10
, 测试方法详见项目的 GitHub 主页):
表格左边两栏是 THUN 的实现的 Hit@10
结果,最后两栏是相关方法的 paper 中给出的 Hit@10
结果。最好的结果是 RotatE(+adv)
Store & Retrieve
Knowledge Reasoning
Knowledge Base Question & Answer
Knowledge Completion & Error Detection
- Paulheim H. Knowledge graph refinement: A survey of approaches and evaluation methods[J]. Semantic web, 2017, 8(3): 489-508.
Knowledge Graph Evaluation
Mean Reank
Mean reciprocal rank
数据集可以在国内网站 openkg.cn 上找到很多。
- 数据集
- FB15k
- WN18
- 图谱
方向1:用于 实体消歧(Entity Disambiguation) 的 知识表示学习
- 实体消歧(任务)
- 知识表示(方法)
方向2: 用于 实体对齐(Entity Alignment) 的 知识表示学习
- 实体对齐(任务):
- 知识表示(方法): Translational Distance/ Semantic Matching / Graph Neural Network